"Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"

This space is dedicated to Adventure - and all things Challenging.

Location: Waukegan, Illinois, United States

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Saying Goodbye

The hardest part about leaving for Africa are all of the goodbyes. I feel like I am abandoning everyone. I hate the feeling that, even though I'm off having new adventures, I'm missing out on important experiences here at home.

Here is a quick list of everything I will be missing:

Sarah and Robert grow up.
Jessie and Randy's wedding.
Dinner parties with David, Sonya, and the Brethren.
Brewski's with the Work Crew.
My Mom's eggs-erroneous and French toast.
The possible pregnancies of Betty, Heather, and Jessie

...Ok I have to stop now.

But - The best part of going away are all of the going away parties!! Woo Hoo!
And I have to compliment the Work Crew on probably the wildest, craziest, and most inappropriate going away party EVER. Big Props!

For those of you who did not have the pleasure of attending here is a quick synopsis:

I received at least three lap dances (that I know of).
I drank an entire pint of vodka and Mt. Dew (that I know of).
I accidentally "outted" a co-worker.
Many un-named women thought it was Mardi Gras.. And flashed their breasts.
I kissed nine people (that I know of).
I told at least two inappropriate stories to the wrong people (that I know of).

I apparently groped at least five people inappropriately (that I know of).
I was groped inappropriately by at least three people (that I know of).
We all sang really badly to 80's rock ballads (I blame Ms. Jessie).
Everyone wrote on my party message board things that make it impossible for me to take it home.
The crazy old lady across the street from Travis made an appearance.
I woke up without my panties (I swear I have no idea where they went).

Not bad for a bunch of mental health workers...Wouldn't the children just love to have been there.


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