"Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"

This space is dedicated to Adventure - and all things Challenging.

Location: Waukegan, Illinois, United States

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hello From Benin

Saturday, July 9, 2005

I finally made it back to Africa, and it is fabulous! The plane trip over was unbelieveable long. I did spend 6 hours in Paris airport - which isn't as cool as it sounds. I did manage to go outside for a bit and sit on the sidewalk. A bunch of French people got mad at me on the plane for blocking the TV, and they refused to get over it - even after I apologized. My big green suitcase is missing - it has all of my clothes in it, so I have had the same clothes on for about 3 days now. My ankles are really swollen due to the plane, and I got more shots today. I don't have to have as many because of Morocco. We got fitted for our bikes and helmuts today. Benin Peace Corps is the one of three countries allowed to ride on the back of mopeds, so I have a crazy moto-helmut to carry around everywhere. The weather is VERY humid, but overcast and cool - which is apperently odd. I have to go now but I'm doing great, and I miss you all.